Group Times
Emerge Abuser Education groups take place during morning and evening hours on several different days of the week, and groups are offered in English and Spanish. Unless otherwise indicated, all groups take place on video at this time. You must complete an orientation session and enroll in the program before you may attend a group. Our group times, listed by language and stage, are detailed below:
English – Stage One
- Tuesdays 11am to 1pm
- Thursdays 8pm to 10pm
- Tuesdays 11am to 1pm
- Tuesdays 7pm to 9pm
- Wednesdays 6pm to 8pm
- Thursdays 6PM to 8PM
- Wednesdays 3pm to 5pm
- Wednesdays 5pm to 7pm
- Thursdays 9am to 11am
- Thursdays 1pm to 3pm
- By Appointment
- By Appointment